Lauren Bane Huffman, one of the area’s top real estate professionals, joined EXIT Realty Southern in Lake Charles.
"We’re excited to welcome Lauren to EXIT Realty," says Josh Foster, Broker & Co-Owner of EXIT Realty Southern. "EXIT is growing and attracting top producing agents like Lauren each and every day."
Lauren brings 4 years of real estate experience serving the residents of Southwest Louisiana.
Lauren and her team, The Land Home Group, have been serving Southwest Louisiana since 2019. In that time Lauren has quickly become a top producer in the SWLA real estate market.
"Why did I choose real estate? It is my true calling to help and serve others. I absolutely love meeting people and helping them during an extremely important decision in their life. I know buying or selling a home can be stressful and overwhelming, so I feel my calling is helping during those times. I love being my client’s biggest cheerleader, motivator, and supporter during these times." says Huffman when asked what made her decide to choose a career in real estate.
About EXIT Realty: EXIT Realty is a company founded and built on human potential. A full-service, forward-thinking, real estate franchisor with offices across North America, EXIT has to-date paid out more than a half a billion dollars in single-level residual income to its associates. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund, and to-date, $7 million has been allocated to charity. For more information, please visit www.exitrealty.com and www.joinexitrealty.com.
EXIT Realty Southern is located at 2915 Common St. Lake Charles, LA 70601. For more information, please call 337-438-7777 or visit our website exitrealtysouthern.info.